Saturday, January 22, 2011

here we go steelers, here we go!

Drew and I lived in Pittsburgh for a few years while he was in grad school and {without a doubt} the biggest thing we took away from the city of three rivers is our love of the Steelers!

No matter where we live we'll always be Steelers fans now.  Go 'burg!

Drew has been asking me for a quilt of his own to use on chilly winter days, so I decided to make him a Steelers quilt for Christmas.  It was really hard keeping it a secret in our little townhouse - a quilt isn't exactly something that you can whip up in a day and then hide.  I had to keep hiding all the fabric when I was done working for the day.  Not to mention how hard it was to finish a whole quilt while only working during naptimes. 

But I did it!  And I think it turned out really well.  I was so lucky to find the 'football' fabric in black and gold - perfect!

Go Steelers!


  1. Oh wow that's great! What an awesome quilt. Good job!

  2. We live in MN and are stellers fans!!
    Hope they win!!!!

  3. Ummm...excuse me friend, but this is fabluous!!!! I can't even imagine trying to make something like that during "nap time". Holy cow! Was your hubby totally surprised?

  4. Wow! To say I'm impressed would be a major understatement! I bet he loves it!


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