Monday, January 10, 2011

suggestions for strolling

Drew and I are taking a flight with Asher pretty soon and I'm thinking about getting a lightweight umbrella-style stroller to make getting through the airport a little easier.  I also think it might be nice to have a more compact option for when our car is packed to the gills {which is every time we leave for more than an overnight trip}.

There are so many options!  Since it's a secondary stroller for us I've been looking on eBay and Craigslist for a gently used one to save some moolah.  I've been able to find every brand that I looked up so far - there are tons of people looking to get rid of strollers that have only been used a few times!

Here are the strollers in the running...

Bumbleride Flite

Maclaren Triumph

Chicco Liteway

Has anyone used any of these?  Pros or cons? 

What kind of lightweight stroller do you use?  I'd love to hear about a different model that you love!


  1. I have the maclaren triumph and love it. In fact, I almost never use my Bob anymore. It's just so much easier and takes up a lot less space. It folds down really easy, but sometimes one of the bars gets stuck and I have to nudge it with my foot. That's the only con I can think of. Good luck!

  2. I got a Jeep stroller before we went to FL last year to use for the airport. It was super light weight so it worked well. The only thing I wish it would have had is some type of storage... even something small underneath. When I have used it sense, I have no wear to put anything. I would definitely make sure it is lightweight as I had to carry the stroller a few times when boarding the flights!

  3. We have the Chicco Liteway and I have had no complaints. I am a short person and have trouble hauling around those huge strollers. The Chicco easily folds down and is easy to carry. The only problem, if I can name one is that there really isn't an easy bottom storage option. The bottom storage is a drawstring bag that you have to put stuff INTO. I've never used it, but it would be a lot more convenient if it was just some type of mesh basket like the first 2 choices you listed.

  4. So, I have no knowledge of these seeing as we're still waiting on Baby C and haven't even used our City mini yet :) but! I wanted to comment that I love the colors of the bumbleride. So, if you are going purely on color choice ;) I vote that one.

  5. I have the Maclaren Triump also, and as far as strolling goes, I love it. I have had some issues collapsing it, though, but David has given me a pretty thorough demonstration now...

  6. I have a Chicco umbrella stroller that I got at a consignment sale for $25. It doesn't have a cover on top though. But, I LOVE IT!

  7. Hi Emily!

    Thank you for your interest in our Flite!

    IMHO the Flite can really do a lot more than most umbrellas or lightweight strollers. It works great for quick trips, trips with car, or traveling in general. It features great maneuvering, lots of included accessories, a side carrying handle, and shoulder strap to make traveling even easier.

    Granted my opinion is very biased, these facts might help with your research.

    Best of luck with your decision. We hope you choose Flite!


    Ryan @ Bumbleride


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