Friday, January 14, 2011

monthly updates

Asher turned 13 months old yesterday!  I debated continuing his monthly updates through his second year and decided that I won't.  To be honest I just wasn't feeling it yesterday.  We've been really busy this week and while I love blogging I've decided that this year will be a blogging-because-it's-fun and not a blogging-because-I-feel-like-I-should kind of year. 

I think rather than posting monthly I'll just write little posts about the awesome stuff he is doing as it happens!

Recently I've noticed that Asher is really starting to put certain concepts together.  The other day I saw that one sock was missing from his foot, so I said "Asher, where is your sock?"  He looked around the room, spotted the sock and went to get it!  Then he sat down and pressed it on the top of his foot - clearly hoping that it would just "go on."  So sweet!  I went over right away to help him get it on correctly.

I was so surprised and impressed that he not only understood my question, but acted on it by looking for the sock, then trying to put it on.  Go Asher!

On the flip side, this ability also clearly means that he understands what I'm saying - including when I say "Asher, don't grab the remote/my phone/the blinds."  And he ignores me.  Ah, shucks.

What a big boy I have these days!  {especially in this photo}

Happy Friday!


  1. He is such a big boy in that second picture! Love those blue eyes! How can you say no to those? :) Miss you guys!!

  2. Go Asher!!!

    I was just thinking of doing a post also about this, since A can follow directions pretty well also now, and I LOVE it! It does tend to highlight, though, the directions she overlooks, doesn't it? hahaha

    Love that second picture - what a big boy!

    Also, that storage system in the background is awesome - where did you get it?

  3. I'm totally calling it quits on the monthly posts. I got to where I was stressing about them and that's not the purpose. I still haven't done her 12 month...guess I better get on it.

  4. Asher has amazingly beautiful big blue eyes. Wow!

    And what a smart boy he is. It is so fun that our boys understand the words we say to them now.

  5. OMG, he really does look like a big boy in that last picture. *tear* They are growing up TOO fast!


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