Thursday, July 7, 2011


Since Asher has been born I've gained a new appreciation for the little things.  When we went on vacation to Florida 'before kids' the days were always jam packed with adventures - kayak trips down the river, visits to Universal Studios, and double features at the movies.  Now that A is with us we take things more slowly and do a little less. 

One of my hands-down favorite things about Ash is the joy he finds in the smallest things of life.

Does anyone else remember just how wonderful a popsicle can be on a hot day?

There's nothing like hanging out in your swimsuit eating a grape ice pop while it slowly drips down your neck and chest.


Then, of course, going into the pool for a quick rinse off.  :-)

Asher is at an age where tiny inconveniences can cause a total body meltdown, but he's also at an age where little treats cause unimaginable joy.  I love that about toddlers.  When he's happy, Asher spares no compliment. 

Yum, yum Mommy - this is the best day EVER!

Anytime, love, anytime.


  1. Aw, so fun. We take Eli to the beach in just over two weeks and I can't wait!

  2. Oh I love that about toddlers too . . . what would we do without little treats to get over fits some days ;) I love the pictures, esp. the one where he is noticing the drips going on his belly. Such a handsome little man!

  3. What a wonderful post. I love your posts, Emily!!! They always make me smile :) Thank you.

  4. LOVE this post! This age is amazing and I'm loving every minute of it (well maybe not the meltdowns!). :) It's nice to slow down and enjoy the little things. Asher's got the right idea. :)
    I absolutely love your turtle photos too. What an amazing experience!

  5. So precious! Aren't popsicles the best when you need a quick fix on a hot day?!

    Sidebar: love the new camera!!!! And the pic of Asher and daddy? I usually think Ash looks like you, but there I def. see a resemblance!

  6. I am stopping by from Jenna's Comment Challenge! Your pics are sooo precious. Have a great weekend.

  7. Oh, hes so precious. I miss my little boy being that age. They grow up soo quick! Its funny how much they slow us down and make things that used to be easy hard, but they make us appreciate everything so much more:)


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