Sunday, July 17, 2011

chick-fil-a made his day

Last week Asher and I met up with some friends at Chick-Fil-A for lunch.  CFA is always a good time, but this particular visit was over. the. top.

First, the excitement for mommy:

Asher ate 2/3 of a kid's meal!  This boy usually hates meat, but he ate 3 chicken nuggets, then most of his fruit cup.  Woo hoo!

Then, Asher got the biggest thrill of his little life.  The Chick-Fil-A cow came out to say hello!

A couldn't believe his eyes.

He kept looking at me, saying "moo moo" then looking back at the cow. 

Asher was reaching out for him from his highchair, but apparently it was a "I'll love you from over here" kind of reach because when the cow came to say hello Ash got a little terrified.

For about a second.

Then we had to get down and run after him.  Asher kept grabbing his tail while the cow chatted with kids brave enough to see him face-to-face.
Wait.  Mommy, I need you.

After following him around the entire restaurant, the cow sat down for a break and Asher kept darting close, waving and yelling "moo" then racing back to me when the cow showed any signs of life.

Honestly, I can't really blame him.  The cow was pretty big and, as far as Asher was concerned a story book figure come to life.

I think Asher entertained the other diners more than anything else.  I got so many comments about how funny and cute he was - ha ha! - so true!

This was one of those times that was unexpected, but totally made my day.  I still smile thinking about it.  Asher is so sweet and innocent.  Who knew that a random lunch could make him oh-so-happy.  His joy was completely sincere and contagious.  These are the days that do a mommy's heart good.

Who needs Disney World?  We're going to Chick-Fil-A!


  1. Cute story... and I'm so glad you had your camera!

  2. So sweet! Isn't it so fun to see the world all over again through their eyes :)


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