Tuesday, July 5, 2011

a great adventure

We're back from our trip to Florida!  After a very {very} long trip home I decided that the unpacking can wait.  Asher is asleep and I just got done downloading 750 pictures.  New camera - yay!

We had a wonderful trip, but I immediately knew the first photo I had to post.  During one of our trips to the beach we were approached by a conservationist who asked if we'd like to see a newly hatched loggerhead turtle.

I'll tell the whole story tomorrow, but for now...

look at what Asher got to touch!

So amazing!  :-)


  1. Stopped over from Jenna's...
    Sorry if this sounds weird, but I like your son's name. :) He's a cutie too!

  2. OH baby turtle . . SOOOO cool! Can't wait to see more pics and hear about your trip, and of course hear what little man was up to!

  3. Stopping by from Jenna's Journey! love your blog and your little boy is precious. Hope you have a great week!

  4. Stopping by frpm Jenna's!! Sounds like you had a super fun trip:) Asher is a cutie pie!

  5. How cute! Glad that you had such a great trip!

  6. That is totally amazing!!!! What a lucky little guy Asher is! :) Very neat!


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