Friday, July 15, 2011

monster of a weekend ahead

After all of our travels we could really use some quiet time at home.

But let's face it - that's not going to happen.

We have a weekend chock full of fun stuff to do!

Tonight our friend Carl is coming all the way from Cleveland to visit.

We really wish he'd bring Karen and Sophia along, but I guess we'll take what's being offered.  :-)  Maybe we'll even have pancakes with genuine Ohio maple syrup {yes, that's a real thing} tomorrow morning for breakfast!

I know someone who's a serious pancake {and cookie} monster.

and this guy...and this guy.

Better make that 3 pancake monsters.

Then on Sunday we'll be off to Baltimore to visit our college friends, Erin and Andrew and meet their new little guy, Luke.  Can't wait!  I'm already taking my anti-baby fever meds - I have a feeling the fever will be raging while snuggling a 5 week old cutie!  ha!


  1. Love Asher's PJs. Eli also still wears long-sleeve, footed pajamas just like that. It seems a little extreme with the Texas heat, but he always kicks his blanket off, and I don't want him to be cold when the AC is cranked down!

  2. Those monster feet are so stinkin' cute!

  3. Such precious pj's - lovin' the new camera! Have a great weekend and safe travels!


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