Friday, March 11, 2011

sympathy symptoms

Asher started doing this really hilarious fake cough the other week.  I don't know where it came from, but one time I coughed and he did too.  Now he does it every time anyone coughs.  So darn adorable.

I've been wanting to record him doing it, but just never got around to it.  Then this morning he started doing this funny trick with his lips {any one know what it's called??} and I knew a video was in order pronto.

So, for all you who demanded more videos on the blog - here you go! 

{and yes, he is in Christmas March.  I just can't justify buying him new ones when these still fit!  Note to self: next year buy Winter pjs, rather than Christmas ones


  1. Oh my gosh! He is just adorable!! Holden does the SAME thing! I think it is the funniest thing ever! Oh and BTW, Holden still wears his Halloween jammies! Yes I buy WalMarts $5 jammies that aren't Halloween but this kid goes thru them faster than I can keep them clean! LOL!

  2. Such a cutie! I hope that cough of asher's gets better sounds pretty serious;) I love the slick sideways wave too.

    We also still wear our christmas fact, 2 nights ago, p had on Christmas bottoms, a valentine top and Halloween socks. I'm a little behind on the laundry...

  3. That is so cute!!! :)
    Love the vid. I wish I could get more of Bennett, but everytime I bring my phone out... he gets pissed when I don't give it to him. LOL
    Bennett had this fake cough thing when he was way little.... I will have to post that vid... it's so fun to look back. Ahhhhhhh.... Bennett just started waving too.. and it's very similar to that wave Asher's got goin on. More like "squeeze-squeeze" :)

  4. So adorable!!! I remember when Brayden started fake coughing! Scared me to death at first - and then when he started laughing hysterically I realized what he was doing!

  5. Asher is getting so handsome! He is also such a big boy. I love the 3 things that he did. Cough, motor boat (that's what we call it), and the wave. Everett does the same exact "bye bye."

    Love the video. Please continue to post more. I love seeing Asher "in action." :)

  6. Cute video!

    No shame in wearing Christmas PJs throughout the year! I have some snowman PJ pants that I wear all the time! :)


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