Tuesday, March 1, 2011

it is awards season, after all

So why not toot my own horn a little?

I won an award!

Bridget over at the Mama Belly Blog gave me a Stylish Blogger Award.  Wow!  Thanks!!

Both Bridget and I have little ones that were born in December 2009.  We "met" when we were both pregnant, so we've been reading each other blogs for almost 2 years now.  I love my blogging friends!

So here are rules that go along with winning this award.

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers, or less, up to you.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!

7 things about myself.  Ok, here goes!

1.  I desperately want to be crafty and constantly attempt new projects to {hopefully} deserve that title.
2.  At the beginning of 2011 I took on the challenge of reading the bible in a year.  2 months down and still reading daily!
3.  My parents celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary yesterday. Such an inspiration to have them in my life.
4.  I have 2 different thumbs {weird, but true - proof and explanation to come}
5.  Asher has my exact eye color.  I love it!
6.  I secretly watch The Bachelor.  It's kind of like a train wreck - I don't want to watch, but at this point, can't look away.
7.  I get a huge thrill out of organizing.  There's nothing I love more than seeing a chaotic mess, clearing it all out and putting it back in orderly arrangements.  If I could get a job re-organizing people's houses/stores/offices I'd do it!

And the award goes to...

Harris Happiness {my sister!}
Huskey Happenings
Jack, Emily, and Holden
The Branches
The Browns
The Averitt Fam

There are so many great blogs out there that I read.  Some are private, some have already been awarded!  If you're not on this list - you know I still love you!!  ha!

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