Wednesday, March 9, 2011

post by asher

dfv hctgr cxhjtgrj

cff 4bhu

j      fhbh jihkbj

{translation by mommy}

I love playing with blocks and looking out the window!

Especially on sunny, spring-like days.

Happy Wednesday to all of my blogging friends!


  1. We love blocks at our house too!!!

    And wish spring were here :(

  2. Did Asher really "type" those excerpts or was that Mommy for Asher? B loves the computer at our house but he is no longer allowed to touch them as he broke the space bar on our laptop. Lesson learned. ;)

  3. Does Asher like to play outside (or is your weather still too cold)? I feel like I've said this many times already on my blog, but Eli loves to play outside. He is obsessed with walking around, picking up leaves, playing in the dirt and handing me sticks. Often, he will cry whenever it's time to bring him in the house!

  4. LOVE this :) I bet Asher is as in love with the computer as my Parker is :) So cute!


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