Thursday, December 24, 2009

what they don't tell you...

In preparation for the bean's arrival I read lots of books and took a newborn class. I think this worked pretty well in terms of being ready to breastfeed and give baths.

Since we knew we were expecting a boy everyone had the same advice.

Be prepared for a shower. Boys like to spray all over when getting their diapers changed.

You know what no one told me....

That babies also have pressure loaded back-ends.

Look what happened when I went to change Asher yesterday.

I took off his diaper and poo started shooting out at me. Literally shooting out.

I had no idea little bums could be this powerful.

Moms-to-be beware! :o)

After all that he was pretty exhausted.

Or maybe my incompetence at diaper changing just gives him a headache.


  1. LOL...Seraphina did the same thing in her early days! :)

  2. OMG! Thank God that hasn't happened at my house...yet...

  3. Too funny! I haven't had this experience yet, but it's only been two weeks... give him time! Haha!

  4. wow, what a powerful little fanny :)

  5. You are so right! I definitely got the lighter side of far. Knock on wood!!!


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