Monday, August 19, 2013

sunday at home

Yesterday we spent a quiet day at home.  After church I got a few pictures of Hadley in her little dress. She hates it because it slows down her crawl but I like for that very reason.  :-)

Asher saw me clicking away and smelled an opportunity for a lollipop.

Um, excuse me brother, please don't sit on me.

Oh, well, ok.  I like being close to you.

(crazy boy took off his shirt and decided life was better without one)

Once I made it clear he wasn't getting candy Asher hightailed it off to do something more fun.  Hadley wished he'd come back.

I set her on the floor to go after him.  And she did!  ha!

After naps we all headed outside for a little baseball.  Asher loves baseball these days!

H wanted to watch but Drew was afraid she'd crawl into the game (this girl is moving everywhere these days, ahhh!) so we put a baby gate around her.

Bless her, she didn't seem to mind but wasn't quite sure what to think.

I got inside too to make it more fun.  Then Asher came.  And Drew.  Before long the ball game had been abandoned and we were all sitting in a 5'x3' rectangle.  Then the mosquitos joined us and we went inside to escape...after hitting a few more balls, of course.

A fun summer's afternoon for all!

1 comment:

  1. Those Sundays at home are just the best sometimes! Crack me up with H's "cage". We totally had to do that with Meyer too!


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