Friday, August 9, 2013

asher says

My guy has been coming up with the funniest stuff lately.  I heard about this app called InstaQuote and love it for preserving all these gems.  :-)

When Asher toots at the dinner table everyone knows about it...but at least we aren't afraid that wild cats might be roaming about.

I may have, in a moment of panic, stomped a bug or 2 in his presence.  Oops.

Hadley and I were dancing around and, apparently, I seemed particularly reckless.  Big brother to the rescue!

Then again, maybe I should have dropped her.  

My favorite is when he mixes up his words!  ha!

the highest compliment

He said this about my pajama pants while patting my leg.  I make PJs look good.

He finally, finally wanted to use the bathroom by himself!  

This was funny at first, but has sort of become a problem because it's now his favorite thing to say.  Everything is "no ma'am Hadley" this or "no ma'am Hadley" that.  He's sort of bossy.

Seriously Spiderman, that's just rude of you.

I couldn't find him the other day and finally tracked him down in Drew's office.  He was busy working.  Naturally.

I swear up and down that we do NOT smell owwies around here.  I tried to tell Asher that "smelling cuts" isn't something people do, but he won't be deterred.  Silly boy.

I'll try to keep up with these better in the future so there aren't so many at once, but Asher seriously is SO funny these days and always keeps me guessing as to what he'll say next.  Love him!

1 comment:

  1. I love this! And I love your comments after each of his quotes. Too funny!


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