Friday, August 16, 2013

phone dump friday

Friday again?  Already?  Asher was at half-day summer camp this week, so we're all excited for some family time this weekend!

Last weekend we took a family outing to Red Robin.  Man, that place has changed and not in good ways.  Has anyone else been recently and noticed?  Higher prices, smaller portions, no more balloons...I'm not sure if we'll be back.  But we did have fun going out as a foursome.  :-)

Hadley rolled under the couch and got frustrated that she couldn't get back out so she started beating the couch in protest.  I was waiting for her to take flight.  (bonus photobomb by Elmo - ha!)

Asher still loves to snuggle and asks to sit on my lap for morning cartoon time.  I l-o-v-e my snuggle bug and will indulge him as long as my lap allows!

Is it weird that I use the bottle drying rack to air dry my wine glass?  Worked great!

Bless her, the teeth they are a-comin' and sister had a 2 hand thumb suck sort of end to her day.

Even better?  The pacifier!  This week she rediscovered the paci that's been in her crib forever and hasn't put it down since.

See.  They are seriously long lost friends.

This might become a problem.  Eeek.

Sweet Haddie-boo.  Love her!
Asher loves to push the little cart in the grocery store!  He does a great job of staying near me and not running into other people, so I allow it.  :-)  We went shopping today and after I grabbed some ketchup I looked down for him and he wasn't there.  Glancing back I saw him stopped and filling his cart.  When I asked what he was doing I was told this...

Brother loves him some baked beans.  haha!!  Love this silly guy.

The girl has become a real firecracker this week.  She is doing an army crawl that gets her everywhere she wants to go.  This morning I went upstairs to get Asher and when I came down Hadley had opened the cabinet door and pulled this bin out.

Trouble with a capital T, I tell ya.

I know!  I'll put her in a cute dress - that will slow down her crawl.  ;-)

Happy Friday, friends!

1 comment:

  1. She is simply adorable! Love that dress and she is getting so big! Gorgeous girl!


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