Friday, August 30, 2013

catching up before the weekend

I keep saying that I want to blog more each week to keep up with what we've been doing and then 3 or 4 days pass by and I haven't blogged a thing.  Oh well - that's the season I'm in!

On Saturday evening we went out to dinner and Hadley kept laying back in the highchair to stare at the people sitting behind us.  She's cute but it got a little awkward.  For them.  ha!

Sunday afternoon Asher went to a birthday party for a neighborhood friend.  He turned 3 and had a pirate party (his name might be Jake - ha!).  Asher had a blast!!  There was this inflatable water slide that all the kids thought was awesome.  Let's just say, the birthday party bar has been raised.

Ash is so funny and loved taking breaks from playing to sit in this little lawn chair and enjoy some snacks.  The boy know how to party for sure.

Can you see the cake?  It was ah-mazing!  They cut straight down through it to serve so Asher got a SLAB of cake.  And ate every bite.  yikes.

Hadley came over for a few minutes with Drew, but it was really hot so they headed home before things wrapped up.  Asher was sweet and shared his goodie bag with her.

She thinks she's tough stuff now, what with her tat and all.

Monday morning Asher headed to his 1st day of Preschool 3s!

He had a wonderful morning and by pickup today he said that he can't wait to go back next week.  Win!

While A was at school on Monday Hadley helped me get some things at BJs.  Sister might have wanted a snack while we were shopping.

New neighbors moved in this week so we baked them some cookies.  Asher wanted to keep all the cookies so it was a good opportunity for us to practice being generous.  :-)

Meanwhile we were all caught in a state of shock when Hadley turned 10 months old.  How did that happen??

I'm keeping Asher little for as long as possible.  Adorable boy!

(but naps are getting the ax around here because brother bear is an actual BEAR when I wake him up.  grrrr.  no thanks.)

Happy Friday, friends!  We have visitors coming for the long weekend are so excited!

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