Tuesday, May 7, 2013

brave young soldier

Vacation isn't all pina coladas and getting lost in the rain, as Asher learned a few weeks ago.  He went to a nature preserve with Drew and Papa Gene and ran his hand along a wooden rail picking up 3 splinters along the way.


Anybody ever have to remove splinters from a 3 year old's hand?  Oh my - not fun.  When they first got home and I learned what happened I decided to try a solution I pinned for just this occasion.

Pinterest to the rescue!  

I knew it might not work, but anything was worth a try before getting out the needle and tweezers.

Drew and I whipped up a quick baking soda + water paste and slathered the splinters well.  A band-aid sealed the deal so they could "cure" for a few minutes.  According to Pinterest this should cause the splinters to pop right out.  While we were waiting Asher had a snack and rested his hurt paw.

Bless his heart.  He didn't even want to take his sunglasses off - ha!

After a few minutes I checked them and one had popped out!  The other 2 were too deep, so the baking soda didn't work.  I had to extract them the old fashioned way while Asher watched a movie on the iPad.  He. was. amazing!!  I still can't believe how still he sat while I got the splinters out.  So proud of my brave boy.  :-)


  1. Worst thing ever!! I remember trying to get splinters out of the kids I babysat for during the summers. I basically had to tie them down...so great job Asher!

  2. Awww poor guy! My daughter freaks out when we try to take out splinters! We will definitely try that idea next time!!


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