Monday, January 28, 2013

hadley fern {three months}

Hadley Fern, you are 3 months old!

You seem so much bigger to me all the sudden.  I'm guessing it's because you're growing out of your size 3 month clothes already!  I can't believe it!

Two weeks of your second month were spent being sick - I'm hoping month 3 is a healthier one for you.

No doctor checkup this month, but according to the mommy scale you weigh 12 lbs, 10 oz

birth:  6 lbs, 13 oz
2 weeks old:  7 lbs, 9 oz
month 1:  9 lbs, 3 oz
month 2:  10 lbs, 8 oz
month 3:  12 lbs, 10 oz

We have seen your personality come to life this month!  You are much less sleepy and love playing on your mat with the hanging toys.  They're fascinating!  You track things so well with your eyes - the rattle is especially exciting.

Hadley, you have earned the nickname "happy Hadley" around here because of your quick and generous smiles.  I love it so much!

You love your brother and constantly have an eye on him.  I have a feeling he'll be teaching you lots of things soon enough.

Tummy time has taken a bit of a backseat since you were sick, but mommy is being tough and making you practice {you'll thank me someday...}

We've been trying to move your bedtime earlier and you are not a fan.  By 7 you are so tired, but if I lay you in bed you're up and crying within 40 minutes.  Boo.  You happily sleep in my arms from 8-10, then in your crib from 10pm through the night, so I'm not sure what the deal is with sleeping in the crib earlier in the evening.

We have also been practicing napping in your crib - that's not your favorite either.

One great move you made is only nursing every 3 hours, instead of every 2.  Yay!

At 3 months, Hadley...
  • weighs 10 lbs, 12 oz
  • wears 0-3 mo clothes, but is just about too long for them
  • wears size 1 diapers
  • loves to get baths
  • is exclusively breastfed and loves to nurse {but refused a bottle last week, uh oh}
  • naps after 1-2 hours of wakefulness, mostly in my arms
  • sleeps in her crib from 10pm-7am, with 1 wake up around 4/5 to eat
  • smiles a lot!
  • loves to make eye contact
  • endures tummy time, but doesn't love it
  • has started cooing and talking to us
  • loves, loves, loves the pacifier
  • still prefers to sleep swaddled

Hadley Fern, you add such a fun dimension to our family.  I can't believe you've been with us for 3 months already!  I learned with your brother that babies change and grow all too quickly, so I'm trying to appreciate every stage and soak in all the baby snuggles I can while they last.  That probably means I'm holding you too much, but I don't care.  :-)  We love you, sweet girl.  

Happy 3 months! 


  1. Sophia was the same way with early bedtime for a long time. Sound asleep at 7 awake 30-40 min later crying. We would run up and pop a pacifier in and she went back to sleep, continued for a few hours. Eventually we let her cry a little at this time and she learned to go back to sleep but she was older than H when we did that.

  2. Happy 3 Months to sweet little Hadley!!!!! :)

  3. Happy 3 months Miss Hadley. She is adorable. Her and Kendall are very similar. Kendall is almost to long for her 0-3 & 3 month sleepers and onesies {wwaahhhh}. Kendall will only sleep good when she's swaddled. I can't believe how fast our girls are growing

  4. She's adorable... love those little baby feet :)


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