Wednesday, January 2, 2013

christmas 2012

One day into 2013 and I'm already looking back.  I never got around to posting about our Christmas and need to before too much time passes!

{Side note - why is it that vacation time always ends up being busier than a normal week?  Even though Drew was home a lot I seemed to have less time for blogging than ever.  Maybe it's just me...}

This year we decided to stay home for Christmas since Hadley is still really young and not up for a big trip north where all of our family {except my parents} live.  We were so grateful to have Mom and Dad nearby!  They were able to help us out with the kids a lot and made our holiday really special.

On Christmas morning we started out by opening stockings in our bed.  Asher loves to hang out in "Mommy's bed" {even though Daddy does sleep there too - it's just mine in A's eyes for some reason, ha!} so we knew he'd jump at the chance to drink his morning milk and open his stocking cuddled in our bed.

Before opening any presents, we read Asher's board book "The Story of Christmas" and the original story in Luke.  We always want our children to remember the true reason we celebrate - Asher loved singing "happy birthday" to Jesus!  :-)

After stockings my parents arrived and we moved downstairs for cinnamon rolls {YUM} and presents.

{we were very spoiled}

Asher's face was priceless when he saw the tree and gifts.  Love kids at Christmas!

Hadley was pretty excited too!

We had a great time opening gifts together and took lots of breaks to play with everything as it was opened.

Asher got especially excited by the awesome LED lighted safety glasses that Daddy got - ha!

The big gift for Asher got assembled on Christmas Eve {what kid likes to open a box?} and was his last present to find.  What is it?...

A kitchen!  Yay!

Chef Asher is a big fan and loves cooking for us.  :-)

All the excitement completely wore Hadley out - bless her heart.

We had a wonderful Christmas!  I have a feeling next year will be even more exciting!


  1. I agree with vacation being busier than our normal week! I was off almost 3 weeks and barely got to record anything! I am definitely playing catch up now!

    Looks like a fun Christmas! Happy New Year, Friend!

  2. I love that you opened stockings in bed. How fun! And I love the look on Asher's face when he saw the presents. Priceless! Sounds like a great Christmas spent at home. :)

  3. OMG - I love the picture of him running in to see the presents! So cute!

    Ava has that very same kitchen!!! We love it!


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