Friday, December 7, 2012

{phone dump friday}

Between my surgery last Saturday and trying to recover while simultaneously preparing for Asher's birthday and Christmas there haven't been many photos taken around here.  We've mostly been laying low and doing stuff around the house {or not doing stuff}.

Hadley missed me so much she smiled when I saw her.  Who couldn't grin right back at this face?  love

Since I'm not allowed to lift more than 10 pounds and Asher can't/won't climb in and out of his crib we were forced to do an unexpected toddler bed upgrade for him on Sunday.

It's kind of good this surgery happened otherwise I would have never taken the plunge.  A full post on this huge milestone is coming!

Asher also got some Christmas jammies from his grandparents and has been loving them!

Miss H is clearly afraid I'll skip out on her again because she is rarely willing to be further away from me than this.

I don't mind.  :-)

In fact, Asher also seems nervous that I'll vanish because he's been sticking close too.  Poor sister is just trying to get some lunch!

Happy Friday, friends!

1 comment:

  1. I'll be interested in how Asher did with the crib to toddler bed transition. Coop is still in his crib, too, and we've been mulling over making the change. I don't see a rush hence while he's still in the crib, lol...


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