Monday, December 17, 2012

all about asher: three years old

There is so much I want to remember about Asher on his 3rd birthday!

The first thing that comes to mind is that he is such a funny guy.  The things he says cracks me up every single day.  Just today at lunch he was eating an apple and noticed that the stem was gone.  He says "Mommy, stem broken.  Need tape."  ha ha - we use a lot of tape around here.

Asher loves music and loves to sing and dance.  Any time a song comes on, whether the tv, radio, or just a silly jingle on a toy he starts dancing and wants to know the words.  I make up a lot of songs.  :-)

He sang "Happy Birthday" to himself on Thursday - and loves credit for his effort {check out that look he gave us at the end - haha!}

I'm constantly amazed at his memory.  He has memorized a lot of books we read and remembers stuff anyone says.  Here is he reciting the 10 commandments...

The other day we were having a little, um disciple moment and I was asking him how he needs to obey {we say that he always needs to obey "right away, all the way, and with a happy heart"} - he said "happy heart. And be slow to speak, slow to get angry"  That's from James 1 and is a memory verse we read in his "ABC Memory Verse" flash cards.  We've been reading those cards for a few months and I had no idea he was actually learning them!

I am trying to be SO careful about how I speak around Asher and what I pour into his little mind.  Even when it seems like he isn't paying attention, I know that he is.  Read valuable things to your children - even the littlest kids can learn!  They are listening!

{Hadley is learning them too now.  It's never too early to hear God's word.}

Asher is the most polite little guy.  He almost always says "please" and "thank you" and somehow picked up strongly on "excuse me" when he wants to move past someone.  It melts my heart to feel a little nudge from behind and hear "oh, 'scuse me mommy".  So precious.  :-)

Of course, that's just when I don't want to tie him to a chair.  ha ha - just kidding {kind of}.  Being 3 means Asher is testing boundaries, learning who's in charge, and exerting his independence.  We are learning together how Asher can be independent, but also obey and respect Drew and I.  It's a bumpy road sometimes, but such is life with a toddler.  All I can do is keep pouring God's word and instructions into Asher.  And pray.  Lots and lots of praying.  ha!

At 3 years old, Asher...
  • weighs 30.8 pounds {40th percentile}
  • stands 39.4" high {90th percentile - really??}
  • has a heart rate of 110 and blood pressure of 77/54
  • has excellent hearing 
  • loves to run, kick balls, wrestle with Daddy, and jump on the trampoline
  • loves to go to the park or do anything outside
  • can name dozens of animals and dinosaurs
  • sleeps from 7:30pm-7am; takes 1 nap in the afternoon
  • is so loving - he gives lots of hugs, kisses, and holds hands without reserve
  • is a super picky eater.  He likes what he likes and that. is. it.
  • is still learning to love his baby sister.  More on that later...
  • would play on the iPad all day, if I let him.  He's got that thing mastered!!
Asher Thomas, you are such an amazing boy.  On December 13, 2009 your Daddy and I welcomed you into our lives, but we had no idea how much your presence would change and shape us.  We love you to the moon and back little man!

1 comment:

  1. I kind of copied you this morning with a very similar post about Eli... and I wanted you to know they they are almost the same height (Eli is 37 1/4), but the doctor said that Eli is still in the 50th percentile for height, which he has almost always been with every doctor's visit since birth.

    It's hard to tell in photos, but Eli and Asher have always looked very similar in size... so I wonder if your doctor just wrote down the percentile wrong?


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