Friday, November 16, 2012

{phone dump friday}

Happy Birthday, Mom!  

Asher and I are making his Grammy a special happy cake today.  He wishes there was a birthday everyday at our house - ha!

In other Friday news, this is my first day at home, totally alone, with both kids.  Wow, wow.  For the past 2 weeks I've either had full time help or Drew worked from home which meant he was available to help in the morning, at lunch, and in case of emergency {of which there were a couple :-) }.  But now, not so much.

We can do it!

{We can do it...we can do it...we can do it...}

I practiced a little last night while Drew was still working by giving both kids a bath at the same time.  Hadley is so easy in the bath I knew we could do it.  By Asher's bedtime things start to fall apart so we did baths before dinner and it worked out great!

I also made dinner which was a little tougher because Hadley did not want to be put down.  She snuggled into the Baby K'Tan and we were good to go.  :-)

Wednesday was our first trip to Target!  This is a bit tricky with 2 kids - we're still working on where everyone sits.  The good news is - we made it!

This little lady is turning 3 weeks old tomorrow.  She's celebrating by wearing her new ladybug jammies that Uncle Chris and Aunt Lisa sent her.  So sweet.

I could just stare at this little face all. day. long.

Hadley had her 2 week Dr visit on Tuesday and got a great report!  She's up to 7 pounds, 9 ounces already - wow!  Mama's milk is doing a good job.  :-)

We had a couple warm days this week {see the shorts} so A and I hit the park while Hadley was snoozing.

I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week already.  We need to get into high gear getting ready for Asher's birthday and Christmas!  Happy Friday, friends!


  1. I can't believe that our girls will be 3 weeks old tomorrow, it's going by so fast. How is she doing with sleeping at night? Cute pictures

  2. Love all the pics! How do you like the baby K'tan? I am thinking of getting one to use with baby sis.

  3. You and your hubby make really cute babies...Hadley is precious!

  4. I keep thinking she's looking more and more like Asher - awww!


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