Monday, November 19, 2012

brotherly love

It's no secret that Asher is a reluctant big brother.  He isn't mean to Hadley or acting out, he just prefers to ignore her.  Except when it comes to her pacifier - he feels very strongly that she should only use the green one.  Not blue, not pink, not purple.  Green.  This kid - oy vey - he's a character.

As much as I love him taking an interest in Hadley, I'm pretty sure it was his help in getting and giving her paci that led to Baby's First cold over the weekend.  She was so congested and kept gasping for breath.  Scared this mama to death!  Asher was months old before he got so much as a sniffle - poor second child with a big brother in preschool!   Needless to say, she and I did a lot of snuggling the past few days and nights.

I'm planning to write a longer post on our adjustment from 1 to 2, but we need more time to see how it plays out...

Our big moment in sibling love came last night when Asher {finally} gave her a hug!  He adamantly refuses to hold her, so a hug was a big step.

He had to think about it for awhile first...

Then did a trial run with the pillow.

Once that was nailed down he went in for the real deal


and over.  :-)

For her part, Hadley took his affections in stride.  But then, there's not much she doesn't take in stride.

After a few hugs they went their separate ways once more.  Hey, you have to start somewhere!


  1. Haha! I love the trial run with the pillow! Asher and Presley could not be more opposite. No joke, there were a few times I thought Presley might smother Harper to death. I'm so sorry you have had a sick household, especially with Miss H being so young. Presley passed her germs along to Harper this week also (who so kindly shared them with me).

  2. How sweet! I bet that melted your heart:)


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