Monday, November 12, 2012

hadley fern {2 weeks old}

Hadley Fern, you are 2 weeks old!

On the evening before your 2nd week birthday you lost your umbilical stump and left a very adorable belly button in its place.  Daddy and I think this is a wonderful improvement!  You tried on your "little sister" onesie for the first time to celebrate this big milestone.

Just a few minutes after I took these photos you had a huge diaper explosion and not only needed a bath, but may have ruined this cute outfit.  Such is life with a baby.  :-)  Further proof towards my theory that if you want a certain picture - don't wait, act immediately.  You never know what could happen!  ha!

I'm sure this will become a tiring refrain, but I can't believe you are 2 weeks old already.  These past 14 days have been a bit of a blur between days and nights, but it seems like just yesterday Daddy and I were at  the hospital meeting you.

Your 2 week doctor appointment is tomorrow, so we'll see how much you weigh then!

At 2 weeks old you...
  • eat every 2 hours during the day and 3-4 hours at night
  • sleep most of the time between feedings
  • have your most awake time between 8pm-1am
  • love, love to suck on anything - your hands, the pacifier, mommy
  • speaking of which, you are a champion nurser.  We haven't had any issues so far, yay!
  • are very mild.  You cry when hungry, but that's about it.  I'm hoping we can avoid times of unconsolable crying like your brother had!
  • have had lots of visitors, both family and new friends from our neighborhood and church
  • lost your umbilical stump at 1 week, 6 days old
  • wear newborn diapers and newborn clothes
  • don't mind getting bathed at all.  I expected this to be a crying time, but you take the sponge bath with complete calm.  We'll see if you like the tub bath just as well.
  • have eyes that go back and forth between looking brown and looking blue.  I think they will be brown like your Daddy's, but Asher tried to trick us with that so who knows...

We love you so much Hadley Fern!  I'm soaking up every minute of this sweet, snuggly newborn phase, but I'm also excited to see how you change and grow little girl.  Just not too fast, ok?  ;-) 


  1. Happy 2 weeks Hadley! You are so beautiful! I wish I could give you a kiss and a snuggle! You're mommy is so talented. I love your little onesie!! Hope it isn't ruined!

  2. Happy 2 weeks Hadley! You are so beautiful! I wish I could give you a kiss and a snuggle! Your mommy is so talented. I hope your precious onesie isn't ruined! Love it!

  3. Ahh I love the little newborn sleepy faces!! And adorable outfit, hope the poo stain comes out :)
    Happy 2 weeks Hadley:)

  4. Oh my goodness! I LOVE the bow! Such a sweet lil miss!


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