Tuesday, November 27, 2012

hadley fern {one month}

Hadley, you are ONE month old!  Happy day love!

We have a lot to celebrate today.  You are growing so quickly, it's hard to keep up.  Last Thursday you celebrated your very first Thanksgiving.

Now we're busy getting ready for your first Christmas!  In fact, you helped me do some Christmas shopping while big brother was at school last week.  You did great!  Even when you had to eat in the car - which was no one's favorite - you were patient.  :-)

You are such a wonderful addition to our family.  Asher has really started to notice you this week.  He gave you a few hugs, held you for the first time on Thanksgiving day, and offers you a paci whenever you cry {you gratefully accept his help here :-) }.  Asher doesn't use your name much, preferring instead to still call you "that baby" or "baby in belly."  I'm pretty sure this means he gets that YOU are who we've been talking about for the past 9 months!

Hadley, you're still an awesome eater, but have become more of a snacker recently wanting to munch briefly every 1.5 hours.  We're working on stretching that out so you get lots of fattening hindmilk and not just the skim stuff.

You are also a great sleeper.  Since the moment you were born you hated to have your arms pinned while you slept so I have just been swaddling your bottom half.  This past week, however, I noticed during the day that your arms were flailing more while you slept and waking you up, so I decided to try the full swaddle.

You. love. it.

Seriously, it's your new favorite.

We use a super duper swaddle blanket I bought for Asher {which he never used because he truly did hate to be swaddled from Day 1 on} called the Miracle Blanket.  You can't escape and don't really try.

We also use this Swaddle Pod.  It works great too, but is pretty tiny so you'll be too big for it soon.  When in it you are literally snug as a bug in a rug - my comfy bugaboo.

Daddy and I both swear we've seen you smile specifically at us, but no photo proof yet.  :-)

Haddy-boo, your eyes have turned much more blue the past few days.  There is still some brown in there, so we're not sure what color you'll land on just yet.  Mommy and Asher have blue eyes, but Daddy has brown, so it could go either way!

At one month, Hadley you:
  • are exclusively breastfeeding and eating every 2-3 hours during the day
  • are sleeping most times in between feedings
  • are sleeping from 11:30-3, then 4-6/7 most nights {we just recently started putting you down earlier and so far, so good.  11:30 is a million times better than 1am for Mommy!}
  • love your pacifier and swaddle
  • are starting to make some eye contact 
  • weigh about 9.2 pounds
  • wear size Newborn clothes
  • wear size Newborn diapers {but are moving to size 1 as soon as these are gone}
  • love to get baths
  • only cry when really hungry - you're a very chill baby!

Hadley Fern, it's been a full month since you entered this world.  We love, love having you here!  You're such a miracle to our family and we can't wait to celebrate all through December with you!


  1. Happy ONE month Hadley. I cant believe that our girls are already a month old. It went by so fast! she is adorable and her and Kendall sound a lot alike. Kendall loves to be swaddled.

  2. so sweet! glad she is liking the swaddle!

  3. so sweet Emily! glad she is liking the swaddle now.

  4. Time is flying! I'm sure moreso for you :)

    I'm so glad she's taking to the swaddle blankets - that can really be a savior if they'll use it. And glad Asher is taking to her!!!

    Happy belated THanksgiving!

  5. She can't already be a month old!!
    How fun that Asher is starting to interact with her :)
    Happy one month Hadley :)

  6. I can't believe she's already a month old! Hadley looks like Asher did as a baby! Its cute how toddlers recognize "the baby from the belly"!

  7. We love the miracle blanket. Best invention ever!!


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