Monday, November 29, 2010

out to lunch

Recently Drew and I have been trying to do more things with Asher out of the house.  For the first few months he was a little baby who ate every 2 hours and slept more than he was awake, but now he's really blossomed into an almost-toddler who loves to go out and have adventures!

The weekend before Thanksgiving Drew and I decided that going out for lunch as a family would be a great new experience for the littlest Wilkinson.  Asher has been to restaurants before, but it's always been because someone was visiting from out of town or some other such special reason.  This was - just because!

On Saturday, we grabbed the stroller and the Floppy Seat and walked down the street to a new little place that serves lunch {but is mostly known for it's frozen custard}.  We might have chosen it for dessert - I guess you'll never know!  Ha!

Asher did so great!  He loved staring looking at the other diners, but was mostly enthralled with the ceiling fans. 

Have you ever used these sticky, disposable placemats?  They are going on my Mommy Must-Haves 2010 list for sure. 

There are 2 sticky lines on the back that keep the placemat on the table.  It lets little ones eat right off the table surface - without actually eating off the {maybe} germy table.  These worked perfectly for Asher.  I could wrap it around the edge of the table and everything.  He tried to pull it off with no luck.  Truly baby-proof, yay!

Mr A ate his lunch while Drew and I had ours.  It was a nice time as a family and we'll definitely be doing it again!  I'm loving every stage that Asher goes through, but this one is particularly great.  He still needs me, isn't being too independent {read: difficult}, but can handle doing some bigger kid stuff.  Love it!


  1. Oh, you make me feel like a glutton because Cooper goes to restaurants ALL THE TIME! Poor kid but I'm trying to cook at home more :)

    We have an awesome placemat that is rubbery and has suction cups that stick to the table but the most awesome part is that it has a long cup part on the bottom that hangs over the table to catch food! Also, a mommy must have!

    I'm glad that you guys had such a good time!

  2. I bought a bunch of those placemats from babies r us and Presley always manages to rip them off, lol! I thought I was just putting them on wrong, so I made Brandon do it...and she still managed to do it. Ughhh! Asher looks like such a big boy in your last few posts. Hope you enjoyed your custard...I mean lunch :)

  3. I do LOVE those placemats! But since I can't find them ANYWHERE around here but Babies R Us I ended up getting the one that has suction cups on the back and is reuseable. It is super wonderful and one is the price of the bag of like 8 or 12 disposable ones BUT I don't have to keep buying them. Yeah and Holden uses his ALL the time. We eat out way too much : ) Plus it doesn't help that we have a WONDERFUL mexican restaurant .9 seconds from our house. HA!

  4. I registered for those placemats after I saw another mom using them! Love it! But I do wish I had one that was reuseable -- I feel back throwing them away after one use!

  5. I might have to try those placemats. We go out to eat about once a week and I always take out my package of baby wipes and wipe down the table in front of Jack. These would be so much better, especially for the messier meals!

    And I'm so glad you were able to enjoy your vacation and go to the movies! :) It does go by way too fast though.

  6. We have these also, and Ava has about a 60/40 track record of ripping them right off the table. When she manages to leave them alone (ie. I can successfully distract her!), they're a godsend though! I want to get one of those placemats with the lip for catching food...sometimes it looks like a bomb went off! :)

  7. Look at that cutie!

    Yeah, I definitely need those placemats. Half the time I forget his other mat and end up scrubbing the table down with wipes and then just putting the food on the table. haha.

  8. What a cutie! I totally need some of those mats! What an awesome idea!


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