Sunday, November 28, 2010

happy thanksgiving!

Sorry to disappear like that, but now we're back!  Drew, Asher, and I went to North Carolina to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday at my parents' house.

We had a wonderful time visiting with my parents and sister, Erin and her husband Ryan {plus, of course, little Phinley!}

Asher said his first word:  DOG.  He said it clear as day several times!  He loved Phin and wanted nothing more than to get down and climb all over him.  I can't wait until Ash is a little bigger so I can trust him to play nicely with the pup and not do something {aka - pull tails and hair} to cause a problem.  I have a feeling they will be really good friends when that time comes!

We ate tons of good food and actually went shopping on Black Friday.  Brave, I know!  Drew, Ryan, and Pop Pop {my dad} watched Asher so the girls could hit the sales.  We found some great stuff for Christmas - pics to come!

Asher looked so cute in his little Thanksgiving outfits.  Look at that little turkey bum!  

One of the most exciting things to happen to me over the holiday was my triumphant return to the movie theater!!  Yay!  The last movie I saw was on my last date with Drew before Asher was born - a long 12 months ago.  We went to see Harry Potter while Grammy and PopPop stayed home to watch the little guy.  Drew even treated me to popcorn.  I'm living the life now.  :o)

It was such a fun few days.  Why does it always seem like vacation is long in come, but quick in going by?

There are so many things happening this month - first birthday, parties, Christmas, baby showers - lots of fun!  Now if I only had some help...

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well!


  1. How exciting! Asher said his first word! Maybe you will need to keep the video camera close by and try to get it on video! :)

    His turkey bum is adorable. I really like that Thanksgiving outfit. Where did you get it?!

  2. hehe the turkey on the butt, love it!!

  3. Thanks for taking that picture off! You're the best!! :0P

  4. Glad to hear you guys had a good Thanksgiving and yay for a movie date! I am yearning for one of those soon.... ever since my Mom started watching B for 2 days a week I feel like we can't ask her to watch him above and beyond that.... so it's been a while! Yay for a first word!!!! We are still waiting for B's first word.... unless you consider "yayayayaaya" a word. Hehe


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