Friday, February 27, 2009

favorite thing friday

My house has (what feels like) acres of hardwood flooring.

I can't believe they used this as a selling point and a reason to make us pay more for the home.

As far as I can tell, hardwood floors are:

1) slippery in socks (read: dangerous)
2) much too hard to sit on without a cushion
3) really cold in the winter
4) in need of vacuuming AND mopping to keep clean
5) a little attractive, I guess

So, to summarize, my floors are too cold to walk on without socks, but too slippery to survive on for long while wearing socks.

Enter, the best slippers ever.

Thank you, LL Bean.

Oh, I've had slippers before. In fact, slippers and I have a long, pleasurable history together. The problem is that most slippers don't have the main thing my floors require.

They are typically not skid-proof on the bottom and tend to send me flying (into counter tops, down steps, etc -- nothing major).

I first met these friends at my sister-in-law's house. Raegan received a pair from her sister, so she wouldn't kill herself (or her newborn sons) carrying them around her house full of hardwood floors.

I figured if they worked for her, then I needed to give them try. These slippers are lined with the softest, warmest fleece LL could find. But, the most important part (to me) is their flexible, rubber sole that's thin, but provides awesome traction.

I never slip in these.

In fact, they're so great and I talked them up so much over the past year, that both of my sisters asked for a pair for Christmas this year.

And I got Drew the 'man version' of them.

It's been a great winter so far. Nice warm pigs, no falls.

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