Friday, February 6, 2009

favorite thing friday

Sometimes it's easy to overlook the blessings in our lives. I notice this in myself all the time.

I enjoy and appreciate the great thing while it's happening, but after awhile it just becomes part of my life. Sure, to some degree this transfer from excitement to ordinary is normal. You can't celebrate all the time.

Or can you?...

I'm going to try.

There's enough hard stuff in the world, that I've decided to check in with my blessings more often and appreciate the great things that I have been given!

Which brings me to this week's Favorite Thing Friday.

One HUGE blessing I've been lucky enough to experience is,


For those of you who don't know, LASIK (or Laser Assisted In Sutu Keratomileusis), is an eye surgery that corrects vision problems.

Starting in high school (1998) I noticed that the blackboard and road signs were becoming more and more difficult to read. Once I got to college (2000) it became a real problem and I went to get glasses. At first I just used them for classes, movies, and driving. But...then I realized there was a lot in life I was missing by not wearing them all the time.

This brings me to 2006. Drew and I were living in Pittsburgh and I decided that I should really wear my glasses all of the time. Except that I hate wearing glasses. Maybe it stemmed from the fact that I didn't grow up wearing them, but it bothered me to have weird vision around the edges of the lenses.

So, I decided to start wearing contacts.

[Enter Imperial March music now]

It turns out that contacts are my kryptonite.

I had more irritating contacts than anyone else I've ever talked to. I gave our relationship a good 2 years of my life, but in the end, contacts and I had to part ways.

Spring 2008.

Drew and I talked (and talked) about it and decided that LASIK is something that we could invest in for my eyes. I wasn't (too) afraid of the surgery itself and, although the cost is high, we were offered a great interest-free payment plan, which made it relatively affordable.
I decided to go through with it and on the day before my birthday, May 2, 2008, I got my corneas zapped back into shape.
The next day I drove myself to the medical center for a check-up.
Without glasses. Or contacts. Or a chauffeur.

Here's a little diagram of what actually happens during LASIK.

I don't recommend the at home version.

Here is the laser that did my correction. Dr. Thomas was there too.
It wasn't painless, but it wasn't agonizing either. After experiencing the results, I would do it again in a heartbeat.

My vision today is 20/15 (better than average!) and I don't have any halos, glare issues, or dry eye.

My laser vision rocks.

If you want more info on the procedure and/or recovery, just let me know!

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