Sunday, February 15, 2009

body double sunday

Today I saw my sister, Erin, in church.

The reason this is a blog-worthy event is because Erin (and her husband, Ryan) live in Harrisburg, PA

and I live in Cleveland, OH

For those of you not up on northern geography, that's 340 miles apart.

We don't often attend the same church.

There's a woman in my church who looks exactly like her! (from a distance) I changed my exit path today to walk past her and realized that the resemblance doesn't hold up at close range. Still, it was comforting to feel like my sister was close by, even if it wasn't really her. :o)

I wish I had a photo of this beautiful stranger, but it seemed a little 'stalker-ish' to snap a picture of her in the middle of service.

In lieu of that, enjoy this photo of my sister. Insert "Erin double" stranger next to her.

1 comment:

  1. Hands down, this was the best night in my life.

    I can't believe I have a twin in Cleveland! That's pretty exciting.
    I don't even know her! I'm sure she's awesome :) Good job observing Emily!


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