Monday, July 29, 2013

hadley fern {nine months}

Hadley Fern, you are NINE months old!

You're a spitfire these days, keeping Daddy, Asher, and I all on our toes!  It's a team effort keeping you out of mischief - you are particularly determined to drink from Asher's cup and to eat through the computer cords (we frown on both).  Hadley, you aren't crawling yet, but you do roll and scootch to get pretty much everywhere you want to go.

This month you mastered both sitting independently and getting into a sitting position.  In fact, they happened within days of one another!  I'm so impressed with the ease with which you go from laying to sitting.  I wish my abs were that strong.  Of course, you still topple over occasionally.  :-)

You talk constantly.  Well, babble.  I love it when you say 'mama mama mama'.  Even though it doesn't mean much yet I still love to hear it!

For the most part you are sleeping from 7pm - 7am at night (although you still try to get up for a snack some nights - we're working on it...) and you nap 2 or 3x during the day, usually at 9am, 1pm, and 4pm.  Putting you to bed is so easy - nurse, burp, big kiss, and a wave good-bye.  You go down like hot butter on toast.  It's fabulous!

Hadley, you love to eat.  You are still exclusively breastfed and nurse 5x a day.  We've added in some new foods and you still like everything I give you.  So far you've had green beans, peas, sweet potatoes, squash, beets, spinach, carrots, peaches, pears, apples, bananas, garbanzo beans,  and Cheerios.  H even tried some pancakes that I made last Saturday!

Sadly, you aren't over your dairy allergy yet.  Mama had some milk last week as a trial and you had a reaction almost immediately.  I think we'll try again in a month.

You still only have the 2 teeth on the bottom.  More soon?  Maybe?

Most of the time you are still our happy Hadley.  No sign of separation anxiety yet - yay!  Everyone who meets you says how laid back you are.  They're right - there isn't much that gets you worked up.

Asher is 100% your favorite person in the world.  Anytime he talks to you, hugs (read: smooshes) you, or holds you, you are over-the-moon excited!  I love to see you light up when he is nearby.  I hope you two grow to be best friends.

Miss Hadley, you are still itty bitty.  I tried moving you up to size 9 month onesies because it just seemed like time, but honestly they are too big, so we got the 6 month ones back out.  No girl wants to swim in her clothes - why should you?  Size is just a number darling, don't get caught up in all that nonsense.  :-)

At 9 months old, Hadley...

weighs 14 pounds, 2 oz (4th percentile)
is 26 inches long (4th percentile)
has a head circumference of 16.4 (5th percentile)
wears size 6mo, 6-9mo, and 9 month (pajamas)
wears size 3 diapers (but they are big)
no shoes yet, so I'm not sure what size you are
loves both table food, baby purees, and mama's milk
adores her big brother
has 2 teeth
sleeps 12 hours at night
takes 2-3 naps a day
rolls everywhere, sits independently and can get into a sitting position from laying
loves to play with blocks, Sophie the Giraffe, and her music table


  1. oh miss Hadley you are just to cute for words. a lot of people say the same thing about kendall, how laid back and quiet she is. its hard to believe our girls are 9 months old and there's only 3 months till they turn ONE!

  2. LOVE that scrunchy little nose!! Happy 9 months H!


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