Thursday, July 25, 2013

a guy's gotta get around

Ever since Asher was diagnosed with low tone in his core we've been working on getting him caught up to his peers physically.  While he's doing fantastic in most respects there are still a few areas Drew and I notice he lags behind.  It seems like most boys his age hop on tricycles or scooters and just zoom right off, but not A.  He's cautious by nature and when something is physically hard for him he's quick to quit.

We have been encouraging him to keep trying his tricycle, but the pedals and his feet get stuck in neutral a lot and the poor guy gets SO frustrated.  Not to mention the toy basket and bell are a huge distraction.  He's always stopping to ring the bell and check on his stuff.  ha!

When I heard about a balance bike I thought that might be a good solution.  Still physically challenging and actually even better for his core because it requires him to stay balanced.

Grandma Linda and Poppa Gene gifted it to him as a summer treat and we were so excited when it arrived last week!

Asher is still getting the hang of it, but I love that it is more like a "real" bike.  I've read that once kids get the hang of a balance bike they can easily transition to a 2 wheeled pedal bike with no training wheel time.  We'll see if that happens - I hope so!  :-)

We try to get some bike time every day and I can see his confidence building as his skill on it improves.  This was his first time on it.  Bless him - he looks like a very, very old man.  ha!  

Here's hoping I'll have to chase him down the sidewalk yelling "Asher!  Come back right now!"  any day.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. I've had my eye on these but never really understood the concept! Go Asher go!!!


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