Thursday, July 11, 2013

everything but the beach

Last week we skedaddled on down to Charleston to enjoy some time at the beach!

We spent the week with Drew's family, including our nephews and niece.  Asher was SO excited to see Alden-Mercer-Landon-Evan-baby Brynn (that's how he said their names.  one word.  every time. ha!)  I took a few photos of the kiddos in the shirts I made for them - how cute are they!  Everyone agreed that we couldn't trust any of the boys to hold the babies so the girls didn't make the shot.  Sorry sweeties - you'll thank us some day.

Something about the camera makes Asher go numb, so even though he was super excited to be with his cousins, you'd never know it in any of the pics I took.  sigh.  He smiled a lot at other times.  :-)

Anyway, lucky duck Asher got to sleep on a bed on the floor in our room.  He was thrilled!  I thought he'd end up in bed with Drew and I every night, but Ash likes having his own space now and stayed put all night.  He especially loved these truck sheets that Grandma brought for him - they sealed the deal.

We had a rainy start to the week.  It was kind of touch and go as to whether we'd get any nice weather at all.  Bleh.

Luckily it cleared up after a few days and we had both rain and sun for the last 3 days.  During the rainy times the boys enjoyed huddling around the iPad - ha!

I took Hadley down to the beach a couple times, but she wasn't sitting up on her own yet and that made it a little challenging.  It was also really, really windy so she kept getting sand in her face.  Not what you want for a baby - eek.  Since the beach was tough for her she spent a lot of quality time in the house.  Sweet girl can have fun anywhere.  :-)

The house we stayed at had a pool which was great since the kids could swim, even if it was raining.  Believe me with 5 boys under 7 you let them swim in the rain to burn energy!

Asher especially loved this blow up dragon.

And baby Brynn especially loved hanging out with Aunt Lisa!

Going to the beach was the highlight of our days so it will be all about that tomorrow!


  1. It looks like y'all had a fun time, despite the rain.

    And if you haven't read my blog in a while... now might be a good time... ;-)

  2. Awesome!!!! That looks like so much fun - and SO MANY BOYS!!!!!! Wowsa! Hadley will be well protected :) Glad the weather cleared up for you guys!


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