Friday, July 19, 2013

phone dump friday

Hey!  Did I mention that I got a new phone last weekend?  Yay yay yay!!  I take SO many photos with my phone that I've really been looking forward to getting an upgraded camera in the iPhone5.  I can tell a big difference - let's see if PDF can tell as well.  :-)

Poor Hadley - no girl toys in this house yet.  Luckily trucks, cars, dinos, and diggers are her favorites.

Pretty girl was being extra patient while big brother got a frozen yogurt treat this week!

Oops, just realized I never shared our beach trip phone pics, so better get these on here before too much time passes.

I spy a belly!

love, love me some baby toes.  Especially at the beach.

Hey!  We were there too!

Hadley had fun, um, playing?, with her cousin Brynn.  I tried to tell her that grabbing faces isn't nice, but H seemed to think it was the best way to get to know someone.  Sweet B took it like a champ.

When we were at the beach Asher loved spinning and spinning in the wind.  When I asked if he was dizzy he told me this...  

(a whole post of Asher quotes is coming - this kid comes up with the best stuff these days!!)

I bought a special deal on a canvas a few months ago and finally decided on a photo to get printed.  My ballerina arrived last week and I l-o-v-e it!  

Sitting up and playing like a big girl these days.  :-)  :-)

I'm shocked - and a little saddened - by how quickly this girl is growing up.  She tried Puffs for the first time over the 4th of July and mastered self-feeding them almost immediately.  When we got home I gave her some Cheerios to try and they were the same deal.  Straight into her mouth, chew a bit, swallow.  She's a pro!

Since she loves solid foods so much I've decided to do a bit more baby-led weaning with her.  This slice of peach was a winner.

Hadley might look just like Drew, but there's a little of me in there.  Squishy faces unite!

I was getting little Miss ready for her bath the other day and she sat herself up!  Really wanted that diaper, I guess.

Electrical cords sing her siren song.  Lord help me.

I was thinking about dismantling the Pack 'n Play since it's a space hog, but I really like having the changing station downstairs.  Since it was sitting there anyway I was hit with a wave of inspiration one day and decided to try using it as a playpen.  Brilliant!  Hadley doesn't mind hanging out for a few minutes while I do dishes and it keeps me from worrying that she is eating through the computer cords (see above).  ha!

That's it!  That's all!  Have a great weekend, y'all!


  1. Cute pics!
    And sadly, I now take about 98% of all my pictures with my iPhone. Thank goodness I'm at least doing something with them via my blog.

  2. Totally got our pack n play out the other day after your IG post! Best idea ever...I'm so glad we are friends! Where would H and I be without your brilliant ideas? Thanks:)

  3. Oh my goodness Hadley is so cute! I love her expressions. That one of her eating the peach is the best! I'm glad you're having a great summer! :)


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