Friday, March 2, 2012

{phone dump friday}

We had another string of adventures this week! Four out of five days were sunny and warm so Asher and I spent a lot of time outside.

This cloudless blue sky makes it hard to believe it was the end of February!

Asher got a new chair on Tuesday and I had the privilege of putting it together - ha!

A's OT had recommended that he eat with his feet flat and none of our dining chair/booster seat combos could make that happen. In case you're wondering, she wants him to eat with flat feet because of the sensory input that comes through the feet. We get a lot of sensory input through our feet and when Asher's were dangling he couldn't eat well because he was distracted trying to put them somewhere and "organize" his body.

This seat is a Stokke Tripp Trapp highchair and has a height adjustable seat and foot rest. It holds up to 200lbs and should last us forever! So far I really see an improvement in Asher's posture. He sits up a lot straighter and has less trouble eating. Hopefully the good trend will continue!

We celebrated Asher's last day in his booster seat by holding hands through dinner. A loves to hold hands and I'm grateful he's a righty while I'm a lefty - didn't interrupt either of our meals. :-)

Yesterday I just about had a heart attack when this huge bird flew into my kitchen windows. Holy cow - I don't know how it thought my dirty windows were fly through-able but it definitely got hurt. Like my bird shaped smear and feathers on the window? I checked outside and couldn't find him so I guess he was well enough to fly away!

Happy Friday everyone!




  1. Holding hands through dinner!! ohmygoodness -- too cute!!

  2. Ugh, the holding hands, the righty/ lefty...that is seriously the sweetest! I'm glad Asher's new chair is working for him. I wish P would sit in a high chair or a booster or just sit in general...

  3. That bird smear is creepy! LOL My parents have this tree in their front yard with some type of berry on it - not sure what kind, but most likely poisonous. I remember one day years ago, there must have been a series of at least 20 birds flying into our living room window! They were eating the berries and having bird "trips" and became so disoriented that they were flying all over the place and smacking into our window! LOL

    I agree with the PPs on the hand holding pic... so precious!

  4. Aww, sweet hand holding :) I love the new chair, though I don't think I'd love putting it together. Not my strong suit!

  5. Oh my goodness, the hand holding is the sweetest!! Love his new chair and glad it's working out for him!


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