Saturday, March 17, 2012

disney knows fun

I originally planned to post this yesterday, but ended up in the ER all day with dehydration from a stomach virus - yuck! Doing much better now and ready to celebrate the fun we had at Disney!


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I know I've said this a few times already, but it's worth saying again...

Asher's first trip to Disney World was awesome! He had so much fun and so did Drew and I. :-)

I was a little worried that all of the crowds, lack of nap, mainly sugar diet, and just general excitement would = lots of toddler meltdowns, but Asher didn't have a single one. I don't think I was as impressed by this at the time as I should have been, but I'm thoroughly impressed now - go A!

Asher loved seeing his grandparents and spending this fun day with them.

As soon as we entered the park, there was a lot to see - live show, anyone?

I love that the Mickey ears are EVERYWHERE - even on the trolley horse's eye shields.

We stopped for some 'breakfast' {ie - a cinnamon roll the size of my head - ha!}

My favorite park of the Magic Kingdom is coming down Main Street and catching that first glimpse of Cinderella's castle. There really is something about it that makes everyone a kid. :-)

Our first ride of the day was Asher's all-time favorite, no matter where we go...the Carousel!

Disney gets 2 thumbs up from me for having such top notch safety straps that Asher was able to sit by himself.

Until I decided the seat was big enough for two and joined him. He was none too pleased - but I had fun - ha!

After the carousel we went on a few more rides, had lunch, and convinced Asher to take a cat nap in his stroller. Score! He woke up just in time for the afternoon parade. This boy loves a parade so we knew it'd be right up his alley.

We were right - he loved it!

How hilarious is he sporting his shades, by the way? Love him.

After the parade we happened across Frontier Donald Duck signing autographs. Asher didn't know Donald before today, but he adores any life sized character, so we took a chance and got in line.

Ash didn't disappoint and l-o-v-e-d meeting "duck" - asked about him constantly after this meeting. "Where's Duck? Duck??" ha!

It was a very full, very fun day at Disney World. Coming up tomorrow...breakfast with Mickey and his friends!!



  1. I love love the picture of you and ash at the parade! Adorable! :)

  2. GREAT pix, Emily! Did you use your 50mm for most of these photos? Looks like loads of fun!

  3. Awww! I hope you are better now! Amazing pictures to capture precious memories! :)

  4. I'm so sorry that you got sick and had to go to the ER! Hope you're feeling better now.

    I'm loving the pictures and recaps from your trip. No tantrums?!? Ah-maze-ing!! Doesn't that make you want to take vacations all the time? :-) Again, I'm glad he had such a great time.

  5. I can't wait until it's our turn to make our first trip to disney with our son! Looks like a lot of fun. Yay for no meltdowns!


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