Thursday, March 1, 2012

keeping busy

There's a lot to do around here that keeps a boy and his Mama busy.

For one, we go shopping. Lots and lots of shopping. Not only is it great 'heavy work' for Asher's OT homework it also keeps stuff off of my floor!

Play-Doh usually makes an appearance

and once in a while my iPhone entertains teaches him. Don't let your eyes deceive you - that's absolutely not Angry Birds.

We also draw on the easel...

and {on paper} on the floor.

I got a fun surprise today! Just the other day Asher and I were looking through his backpack and I showed him the crayon roll I made a few weeks ago. He gave it a quick look-see without breaking stride so I just figured it was more exciting to me than to him. But then this afternoon when I asked if he wanted to color, rather than going to the crayon cups on his easel he went right to his backpack and pulled out the roll. I couldn't believe he remembered about it!

Make me wonder what else I say that he seems uninterested in, but actually absorbs completely...ha ha!

And, of course, I entertain him with my jokes. Nothing brightens my day like a smiley Asher. :-)

How do you pass the time in winter??



  1. I just got an iPhone and it is the best thing a mom could ask for!! Liam claims it to be "his" all the time and asks to play "Cake Pop" (a cute little cake pop maker game where you virtually make cake pops from mixing ingredients to decorating and eating! Pretty fun. And he loves it... You should check it out!). Sometimes I think he knows more about my phone than I do! LOL

    So, seriously, I know I keep asking you... when is your Etsy shop opening up? :)

  2. Eli got two little sets of Play-Doh for his birthday... but I haven't been brave enough to open it up yet. However, maybe we'll do that next week!

  3. Looks almost EXACTLY like our house (just much cleaner!) We do the shopping/heavy work, lots of crawling and dance parties and Lily Belle is REALLY into playdoh and pretend cooking right now. We make lots of pretend pasta with blueberries and strawberries that are "mmm delicious" in LB's words ;)

  4. That looks like a good day at home with Momma. :) I still want to make that crayon thing!!!!!

  5. You're a brave mama to bust out the playdoh. I HATE the mess it makes, but I know that at some point I just have to suck it up. Until Ava learns to vacuum, though, I may hold out a big longer :D

  6. You are a great mom- with so many different and fun activities for Asher. He is one lucky boy!


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