Monday, March 26, 2012

out for a ride

I mean, rides.

Still catching up on our Florida trip here - oy vey - some day, right? In preparation for our visit, Asher's Grandma and Poppa got him a really awesome bicycle trailer to cruise around in!

Ash rode in his first bike trailer last summer at the beach and loved it, so we figured he'd be excited to see it again. Right-o! He. loved. it!

I don't know why I was surprised. Basically anything that lets him parade around like King Tut on the Nile is a winner in Asher's book - this was no exception.

After a little cruising we went over to a local park so Asher could show off all of his impressive climbing, running, and jumping skills.

He chose to swing the whole time.

Oh well - it was vacation after all. : )



  1. I am going to have to get me one of those bike trailers. Oh, and a bike whose tires don't deflate at will....

    too cute, per usual!

  2. Yay for bike trailer. We want one but don't know how long our 19-mo will sit in it! LOL


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