Tuesday, June 21, 2011

the new prince of raleigh

This post is in honor of the best sitcom theme song ever written.  You know which one I mean.

Enjoy.  :-)

Now this is the story all about how
My life got fun; play, nap, then chow
And I’d like to take a minute, just stay real jolly
I’ll tell you how I became the prince of a big town called Raleigh

Just west of DC I’ve spent most of my prime
On the playground is where I’d be found ‘til bedtime.

Then one day last week I heard “c’mon Ash, let’s go”
I packed up my toys and waved bye-bye daddy-o
We jumped in the car and cruised down 95
To Grammy and PopPop’s  - yo folks, I’ve arrived!

Since then my days are spent
Living large like a gent
Chillin’ out, snackin’

relaxin' by the pool

Shooting some b-ball outside ‘til preschool

When a couple of shoes, they were up to no good
Started causin' me to stumble through my childhood
A knee got one little scrape and my Mom got scared

And said, “we'd better head back north, so go get prepared”

Well, things are much too fun so I can’t go back home
This town is where I’m livin’ large and found my shalom.
I whistled for a ride and a wagon came near
License plate said “Ash” and had a chair in the rear

I hopped on aboard and asked PopPop to pull
He and Grammy love me lots and keep the cookie jar full.

I looked at my kingdom, from my custom ridin’ trolley,
To sit on my throne as the new prince of Raleigh.

{ha ha, we're having a TON of fun, if you couldn't tell}


  1. Good job Emily! Didn't know you were such a rapper:) Looks like you are having a great time, enjoy.

  2. Love it!! hehee! The pictures are so cute!

    (Blogger is acting up again... this is Marci)

  3. You are amazing!!!!! PROPS Rapper Emily! :)

  4. How long did it take you to come up with all that??

    It does look like you're having fun!

  5. That is ADORABLE!! I'm so impressed! It looks like y'all had a blast:)

    (Blogger won't keep me logged in: it's kristin (thefants.blogspot.com))

  6. Oh.My.Gosh!!!!!!! This is the greatest thing ever! I love it and had no idea you were so skilled. :) Looks like you all had a blast!


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