Thursday, June 16, 2011

mean mommy

In Asher's 18 month post I mentioned that he has recently been expressing his more, um, dramatic side.  When things happen that he doesn't like {or don't happen that he would like} major waterworks explode.  Case in point...

The other day we were driving home from running errands and Ash managed to spray his water cup ALL over the place.  His shirt, pants, and car seat were all soaked.  Fantastic!

When we got inside I insisted that he change out of the wet clothes and he resisted.  Strongly.

What kind of terrible mommy makes a boy take off his favorite Hulk shirt?

{It's kind of hard to see, but the whole left side of the shirt is soaking wet}

Asher splash!

How can you not chuckle a little at this face?  See his slowly falling tears - ha!

Although I don't think laughter was what he was going for, we did eventually come to a compromise.  While I do find his dramatics pretty hilarious, I understand that in his world being forced to take off a beloved shirt is a tragedy.  The thing is - this kind of melt down happens almost every day around here and I'm pretty sure if I didn't laugh at him occasionally we'd have an even bigger problem on our hands {namely, crazy mama!}. 

Don't worry, empathy abounds in the moment.  :-) 

Overreaction, thy name is toddler.


  1. Just wait, it gets worse. I mean better... ;)

  2. Hahaha that's funny. B is exactly the same way!!!! DRAMA KING! :) Are you disciplining at all yet? If so, how?

  3. Sounds so much like Parker to me . . . and seriously if we didn't laugh we would totally lose it (not that I haven't done that a few times too) but oh goodness they sure are good at acting right ;)

  4. Oh my word!!! You got some great shots of those tears! I feel ya, Mama. Presley is full on drama queen!!! I love the hulk shirt too, Asher.


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