Friday, June 10, 2011

genius! {and a plea}

My sister is brilliant {and a sharp dresser}.  Did you know?

When I posted the other day about how much Asher loves to Swiffer the floor she asked if I made it shorter for him.  Um, NO!  But I totally should have!  The Swiffer breaks down into 4 pieces {to fit in the box it came in} so all I had to do was take the middle 2 pieces out.

Voila!  Toddler sized Swiffer!

Asher is very grateful and sweeping more than ever.

You're the best, Aunt Erin!  :-)

We're really looking forward to the weekend around here.  Is it just me or has this week felt really long?  Asher and I can't wait to have a few days to play with Daddy!  Drew and I try to come up with fun stuff to do with A, but it's been SO hot here that it's hard to go outside.  Our indoor ideas seem really limited, so I need to ask...

What do you do with your toddlers on the weekend??

Have a wonderful Friday everyone!



I've heard from a few people that they've had trouble leaving comments recently.  Apparently Blogger is having issues - again!  One thing that has helped some people is if they uncheck the "stay signed in" box when logging on.  Give it a try and see if that helps!


  1. Eli loves to be outside, so we indulge him as much ad possible. To beat the heat, he has a water table and a very large kiddie pool in the backyard. We also let him run in the sprinklers. Also, we run a lot of errands and go shopping on the weekends, and Eli seems to enjoy people-watching at all the stores we visit.

  2. come to oklahoma... we'll hit the lake! :)

  3. That is funny and a wonderful idea!!! Whenever B visits my Parents' house, he loves to Swiffer too! I will have to give this little genius idea to my Mom! Thanks for sharing!!!!! Props to Aunt Erin! :)

    As for inside ideas... it's tough to say. A game of tag, perhaps??? Chasing is always fun. Haha

    I just learned of some indoor playgrounds near our house too, so that is always a nice option when it's too hot [or cold] to go outside!!!! I'm sure you have some near you as well!!! Stay cool!

  4. someone just gave me that swiffer trick a few days ago and Noah's in heaven!! Asher is so adorable:)


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