Monday, June 13, 2011

eighteen months

Asher, you are 18 months old!

How is that possible?

{birth day}

For some reason, this milestone feels more bittersweet than any of the others.  At 18 months I feel like Asher has truly transitioned from baby to toddler.  While I'm amazed at the way he has changed and grown over the past 18 months, I'm also a little sad for his babyhood to leave us behind.

{1 month}

Asher - you are doing so much these days!  You rarely sit still {except to watch your beloved "Monsters, Inc"} and are constantly getting into mischief.  Even when I think things are safe, you figure out a way to get into them.  Just yesterday I walked into the living room and found you sitting on the couch.  How did you get up there?!

{2 month}

You have become a much better eater and try a lot of foods that mommy and daddy are eating.  At the same time you sometimes forget that you like certain foods and will refuse to eat them - that's pretty frustrating for us because it makes it hard to predict what you will eat!

{3 months}

Milk is your #1 favorite.  You will stop playing, quit eating, get into your car seat - anything - for a drink of milk.  Right now you're drinking about 20 oz of milk (4 cups a day) and 24-32 oz of water a day.  It seems like you drink a lot!  You still haven't ever had anything except milk and water to drink - that's working for us and we'll hold out as long as possible!

{4 months}

At 18 months your sleep is wonderful!  We had a rough patch a few months back when you were sick and getting teeth, but now that you're healthy things are great.  Typically you wake up around 7am, have 1 nap for about 2-3 hours at 1pm, then hit the hay at night at 7pm.  Love it!

{5 months}

Just last week you fell head over heels for your blankie.  It's with you for every nap and bedtime and often accompanies us in the car.  We're still able to leave it in the car for now, but I can see that changing soon.  I've tried more times than I can count to get you interested in a lovie, but this is the first interest you've shown.  We'll see if it sticks!

{6 months}

While you talk about "dada" all day long you are definitely a mama's boy right now.  You love to hug and kiss me {I love it too!} and always look to me for comfort when something goes wrong.  My absolute favorite is when I give you a hug and you rest your head on my shoulder and gently pat my back.  melts. my. heart.

{7 months}

Asher, you're still a man of few words.  You dependably say:  "dada," "mama," "cheese," "Ah-er" (Asher), "woof," "moo" - that's about it.  We can tell that you're trying to say more words.  I think we're on the cusp of a vocal renaissance here.  :-)

{8 months}

You know quite a few signs which fills in the gaps nicely.  In fact, you are learning signs really quickly these days.  I only have to show you them once or twice and you will use them reliably!  Asher's favorite signs are: milk, more, all done, dog, boy, bird, please, thank you, water.  Learning more every day!

{9 months} 

Dogs are your favorite animal!  Every time we see one you immediately start saying "woof - woof" at it.  I think it's a good sign of social development that you try to speak in the language the dog will find most comfortable.  You're a very thoughtful boy.

{10 months}

We go this Wednesday to see the pediatrician and get all of your current measurements {update with the details then!}.  As far as I can tell, you're a smallish guy.  You wear size 12 months for the most part, with some size 18 month shirts thrown in.  You're wearing a size 4 diaper during the day and size 5 at night.  Shoes are a size 5, but wide - you have adorably fat baby feet.

{11 months}

While you are typically good-natured, we've seen some toddler tantrums coming through.  When you don't get your way {right away!} you can throw a doozy of a fit.  Mommy and Daddy don't put up with much of that and you calm down fairly quickly.  I've seen your sad face more in the past few weeks than in all your other months combined.  When Mommy says you can't do/have something it's the biggest tragedy in the world - sometimes I just have to laugh at your dramatic side!

{12 months}

At 18 months, you have become very independent!  You love to feed yourself and want to walk off on your own constantly.  Whenever we go out in public I have to stay on my toes because you love to run off in any direction!  We might have to get a harness for you soon - sorry, buddy, but you are way too precious to lose.  :-)

{13 months}

Speaking of walking off, you were a bit of a late walker - just truly got confident in the past few weeks - but now nothing can stop you.  You walk and run everywhere!  Last week you learned how to stand up on your own.  I already miss the days when you would reach for my hands to help you.

{14 months}

Asher, you love to play with your friends.  We try to meet up with other kids at least once a week and you are starting to interact with them more and more.  Today we celebrated your 18 month birthday with your best friend, Olivia!

{15 months}

You have 8 teeth with more on the way.  I can see at least 3 white bits poking through.  Your back molars are in which helps you eat more and more delicious foods.  Last week you put down 3 chicken nuggets at Chick-Fil-A and ate most of my french toast over the weekend.  Way to go!

{16 months}

We've been praying with you before bed since you were born and just recently you started saying 'amen' {ah-en} at the end.  Love this!!

{17 months}

Best we can tell you are ALL BOY.  You love to smash things together and are happiest when you can makes lots of noise.  Daddy and you wrestle all the time - I just try to stay out of the way.  ha!  You love to go for walks in the wagon, play at the park, and splash in the pool.  

{18 months}

Asher Thomas, these 18 months with you have been the best that Daddy and I have ever had!  While you can be a bundle of challenges we can't imagine our lives without you.  You are so loved little guy - we can't wait to see what the next months and years brings to our family. 


  1. He is getting so big! I think he looks like a big boy in that last pic.. 'sniff, sniff'! I cannot believe our babies are so big!

    Happy 18 Months sweet boy!

  2. I love this post with all the pictures and sweet new updates!

    Eli still wears a Size 3 diaper (but a Size 4 at night). And we're working on Amen, but it's not consistant yet. Also, he seems to like sign language, but only does a few signs (milk, please, more, thank you, all done). He refuses to say milk or please... he ONLY signs those words (and signs them often... haha!).

  3. Happy 18 months Asher! You sure are one cute little boy! I'm like reading his updates because him and Parker always seem to be right at the same place. I feel like we go through so much milk at our house and he would choose it over food any day. They grow so quickly!

  4. Your post makes me cry!!! OMG!!!!
    What a beautiful little post, you are such a good blogger, Emily. :)
    Asher is lucky!!!! It's crazy how fast they've grown... he is such a sweet little boy. Love it :) Happy 18 months Asher!

  5. That 10 month picture is so sweet! He is such an adorable little boy!


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