Tuesday, June 28, 2011

like mike

Guess who's a natural athlete?

This guy.

Asher discovered that he LOVES basketball while we were visiting my parents!  His PopPop put the basketball hoop as low as it would go so A could shoot around a bit.

Asher would carry this huge basketball everywhere.  It came with us in the car, on stroller rides, and into the house {briefly}.  I think I know what to get him for a birthday gift next year.

Besides carrying the ball, Asher's favorite thing was dunking.  I know - that's a natural progression, right?  My dad would lift him up and Ash would s-l-o-w-l-y lift the ball up and into the basket. 

I tried to help him dunk a few times and just couldn't hold all 23 pounds above my head long enough.  That led to a few crying spells of disappointment while PopPop was at work, but what's a Mom to do?  I can't apologize for not having arms like a man {or Madonna} - ha!

After the ball would go through the hoop, Asher would say this adorable "yeah!" and do a victory dance.  Just like a real baller.  :-)

Then he'd move on to the next sport he's sure to dominate:  golf. 

One green Master's jacket, size 18mo, please.


  1. Asher and Bryson would be BFFs in about .067 seconds.
    Bryson is the same way about all things sports!! I'm not sure if they still have them, but Walmart had these little plastic golf club sets for $5 around Easter time. Bryson is a nut about playing. He runs around with the golf club yelling "gah" until we hit the ball back and forth. I bet Asher would love it, too! :)

  2. That is so funny!!!!! And I especially enjoyed the Madonna cameo in this post. :)


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