Thursday, February 24, 2011

the good life

There's just something special about vacation, isn't there?  I mean, how can you not enjoy life when the only pressing thing is the chaise lounge cushion against your back?

I wasn't sure what to expect on our first trip with a bonafide toddler, but it was really great!  I tried to keep Asher on his regular eating and sleeping schedule as much as possible - that helped a ton.  He thrives with his schedule and was such a happy boy for the most part {despite lots of eating out, going swimming, new and exciting things in general}.

We went on lots of adventures, but some things were just a given, no matter what else was happening. 

Each morning Ash enjoyed Cheerios while the rest of the house {minus me} slept past 7.

There was lots of crawling

and going for walks in the sunshine {I appreciated that "Captain Adorable" let me take the helm}

pelican watching

loving his Grandma and Papa.

There may have been a birthday dinner for Drew!

{hippo came along to celebrate}

There was a trip to the Farmers Market - complete with kettle corn. 

and lots of ocean gazing.

Counting my blessings has never been so easy.


  1. Wow! Looks like a fantastic trip!! Did you happen to be in Destin, by any chance?

    That picture with Asher and grandma is a definite framer! So cute!!! Lovin' the "Captain Adorable" onesie - isn't warm weather in the "winter" the best?!

  2. That looks beautiful!!! Yay for you guys!!!

  3. What a gorgeous vacay :) It is hard to stick to routine when away but agree necessary for the wee ones :) So sweet!

  4. Looks like a wonderful sunny warm escape! Glad to hear A did so well. Um I love your stroller! What is it?

  5. Oh my...could he be any cuter???!! I love the picture of him in the hat and the one of him in the high chair. Adorable!!!


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