Tuesday, February 1, 2011

animal impressions

Asher loves to read books about animals.  He has books about pets, farm animals and world animals.  As we read, of course, I have to make the noises so Asher can learn what the animals "say."

Over the past week Asher has really caught on to what the elephant says.  Probably because throwing his arm trunk in the air and trumpeting is Drew's favorite past time.  What boy doesn't want to be like their daddy?  The thing is, Ash doesn't just hang with your normal elephant crowd.  His favorite buddy is a handi-capable elephant who is tons of fun, but also is {as far as any of us can tell} completely mute.

You may recognize her from Asher's first year monthly posts.  Hello, Ellie.

Ellie doesn't make any noise, so neither does Asher.  He does, however, have a pretty wicked trunk toss.  Here, let him show you.

Beyond the elephant, I find some of the animals more challenging to voice than others.

For instance, the goat.

The story suggests that the goat says bleat, bleat.  But every time I say that it just sounds like the goat has been saying something naughty that the censors had to bleep out.  Oops, sorry goats.

Or how do you differentiate between the house cat, kitten, lion, and leopard.  In my house the small cats meow and the big cats all roooar!  I guess there's plenty of time for Ash to learn all the different species.

The hardest ones for me are those that aren't typically associated with sounds at all - a la the penguin.  What sound does a penguin make?  Well, here they say Brrr and shiver because they live in the snow {obviously}.

Don't take my word for it - Asher will show you.

{He was a little busy when I took this video, but willing to indulge me nonetheless - thanks A}


  1. LOVED these videos!

    More videos on the blog!
    More videos on the blog!
    More videos on the blog!
    More videos on the blog!
    Move videos on the blog!


    Are you getting my message?

  2. Cute! We love animal books around here too! Ethan loves to imitate the noises too. His favorite right now are the duck and the horse. he also thinks the donkey is pretty hilarious. Oh and our cats are the same as yours...all the big ones roar. For the goat we baa just like a sheep...maybe a tiny bit different. But his little people farm has a goat that baas as well.

  3. The videos were cute and I'm with Erin and Ryan...MORE VIDEOS...pretty please :)

  4. OMG that is so fricken cute!!!!! :) love the vids!!!

  5. Cutest video ever!! Love it. That is just too adorable how he does the elephant and penguin!

    We read to Eli about animals too, but he doesn't seem to care too much about them. Do you have any tricks? Or is it just sheer repetition?

  6. Oh.My.Goodness. So cute!!!! Asher is such a cute little smarty!

  7. That is just too adorable! Our babies are growing too fast! (and I struggle with some animal sounds too... thankfully no one can hear some of our noises! :)

  8. How cute is he!? Shivering like the penguin!?? Love it! I love babies doing animal sounds/gestures! :)

  9. If that isn't the cutest thing ever, I'm honestly not sure what is!!!

    I have a hard time with the horse. I just can't "neigh" worth a damn. David always teases me, asking, "What was that? A goat? A lamb? A dying cow?"

    Then again, this is coming from someone who asks Ava what a "crab says", and then responds "pinch pinch", so what does he even know!?!


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