Friday, July 15, 2016

noel august {five months}

Noel August, you are FIVE months old!

You turned five months while we were at the beach this year and celebrated by dipping your toes in the sand.  

At five months old you're still exclusively breastfed and eating every 3 hours during the day.  Night time has been rough lately with several wake ups every night.  I'm not sure if it's leftover 4 month sleep regression or just that you need to transition out of the swaddle, but either way, when we get home I think it's time for some sleep training.

Noel, you love to play and the Jumparoo is a favorite!  You get in that thing and just jump, jump, jump like crazy!  You also grab at the toys and in general have a great time.  :-)

You continue to be an easy going baby (unless you get too tired) and are happy to be around people.  You've just started to have a little separation anxiety and always give me the biggest smile when I enter the room.  That feels good.  :-)

You seem to be a deep thinker and I think you might be an old soul.  Sometimes when we're together late at night I'll look at these peepers and get lost in the depths of your eyes.  You have such a nice balance of silly and thoughtful.  It's fun to see more and more of your personality come out as you get older.

You don't want to see him angry.  (don't worry, it hardly ever happens)  :-)

At 5 months, Noel...

* weighs 15.6 pounds 
* wears size 3-6 months clothes and size 2 diapers
* sleeps from 7pm-???  These days we never know, but you're up a few times each night
* naps 3-4x each day, depending on how long each nap is
* loves baths and has started splashing and laughing at his antics!
* loves his big brother and sister - if they are in the room, he's watching them
* is still exclusively breastfed and eats every 3 hours during the day
* puts everything in his mouth and has been drooling a lot (no teeth yet though!)
* has rolled from belly to back a bunch of times - tummy time is a thing of the past
* is still swaddled in the Miracle Blanket for both naps and nighttime 
* uses the paci for sleeping but not any other time

Noel August, this month Hadley started insisting that we call you Gus.  She heard us say that once and fell hard for it.  We think it's a fun nickname and a great match for your personality.  You are the sweetest guy and have a big smile for friends and strangers alike.  As the last little baby I tend to try and keep you a baby a bit longer.  You're growing by leaps and bounds and I'm so grateful to be here day after day to see it happen!  We love you Noel!  I mean, Gus.

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