Monday, September 30, 2013

a new little one to love

My sister, Erin and her husband Ryan have a miraculous story to share.  Read all the details here!  After a lot of disappointment, changes of plans, and prayers they were prepared to adopt a baby to start their family.  The same week they were officially entered into the book of waiting families I got a phone call from Erin that I'll never forget.  It went something like this...

her:  So...I have some news.

me:  Yeees? (excited and expecting to hear that I have a new niece or nephew waiting for me!)

her:  Turns out I'm pregnant!

me:  (silence)  (for awhile)  Wait.  What?

Yeah it was a HUGE surprise!  It took me about 0.0004 seconds to go from shocked to excited!

Then, a few weeks later I got this text.  The one I'd been waiting for.

Baby H has a perfect heartbeat and is growing like a weed!

Now I can't wait for a few more weeks when we find out if it's a he or a she.  We love you little baby and are so excited for you to join our family!


  1. congrats to your sister.
    At first I thought you were about to tell us all something! LOL


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