Wednesday, February 27, 2013

hadley fern {four months}

Hadley Fern, you are 4 months old!

Hadley, you are so active these days.  You rolled over for the first time last month - but it hasn't happened again since.  I'm thinking fluke.  ha!  You love batting at your toys on your play mat and are really purposeful in making your toys "sing" on the bouncy chair.

Your tongue is constantly out - searching for something delicious to taste.  It's so funny to watch!

It occurred to us this weekend that you haven't had many bottles since I got home from my gallbladder surgery when you were 6 weeks old so we decided to give you one this weekend.  You were NOT a fan.  In fact, I'm pretty sure we offended your delicate sensibilities because you got really mad at the suggestion.  Needless to say, we're going to keep working on it.

You are learning how to sleep well.  Generally you've been a fantastic sleeper from day 1, but there are a few things we still need to nail down in that department.  :-)  You get so cranky around 5:00 and I'm 95% sure it's because you aren't napping enough and are exhausted by that time of day.  Praying your naps lengthen soon so we can all get on a better schedule - and in a better mood.

Hadley, you're very generous with your smiles!  You greet me each morning with a big grin and I love it!  The only catch is that you have become camera shy and get solemn every time I pull out either the big camera or my phone.

You go for your 4 month well baby doctor's visit on Thursday, so we'll see what your new stats are then!

birth:  6 lbs, 13 oz
2 weeks old:  7 lbs, 9 oz
month 1:  9 lbs, 3 oz
month 2:  10 lbs, 8 oz
month 3:  12 lbs, 10 oz
month 4:

At 4 months, Hadley:
  • wears size 0-3mo in pants and onesies, but 3-6mo in one-piece sleepers
  • wears size 2 diapers
  • has yet to wear shoes, so I have no idea what size they would be...
  • has dark blue eyes - I think it's safe now to say that they settled on blue
  • is exclusively breastfed - and insistent upon it.
  • eats every 2-3 hours during the day and 1x at night
  • sleeps from 6:30pm-3:30am, then until 7am after eating
  • is a cat napper, only sleeping 30 mins or so at a time during the day
  • takes 4 mini-naps/day, but we're working on lengthening these
  • loves to suck/chew on anything!  You might be teething??
  • watches her big brother like a hawk.  You'll be copying him in no time, I can tell.
  • still loves the bath, but hates tummy time
Hadley Fern, how has it been 4 months already?  In a lot of ways, it feels like you've always been in our family!  Asher is coming around to you, slowly but surely.  Daddy and I keep telling him how wonderful you are - one of these days he'll believe us.  :-)  You are getting to be such a big girl with a fun personality!  We love you sweet girl - don't grow up too fast!


  1. She is just to cute for words. Happy 4 months miss Hadley. It's hard to believe that our girls are 4 months already. It's gone by so fast

  2. Happy 4 months sweet H!! What is it with the Hadleys? Mine, yours and another one I know were all the exact same weight at 2 months!!


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