Friday, February 15, 2013

from the sewing room

Hadley has decided that going to bed early is something she finally wants to embrace {enter: heavenly sounds} so I've been able to get back into the craft room and do some fun projects!

First up, some Valentine's shirts for my kiddos.  Everybody saw these yesterday, but here we go again.  Whooo's ready for love day?  hehe - I adore this owl!

It's not quite as easy to find boyish V-Day designs, so when I saw this dino I knew it was perfect for Asher.

While I was at it, I decided to make a second dino heart shirt for our friend, Jack!  Rene has sent me a couple surprise packages in the mail and she more than deserved a surprise herself!  I don't know about you, but I always consider gifts for my kids to be a gift to me.  :-)

My roommate from Bucknell just welcomed her first daughter a few weeks ago, so of course I had to send a few little things to sweet Emma.

Coming soon:  St. Patrick's Day and Easter!


  1. Love all the shirts! So cute! You should open an Etsy shop!

  2. Love those adorable shirts! I agree with the others, you should definitely open shop!

  3. Carter just came in while I was looking at these and exclaimed, "I LOVE that dinosaur shirt!" hahaha compliments from a 3yr old ;)


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