Tuesday, February 5, 2013

she rolled!

Big, big day here - Hadley rolled over from her back to belly!

{3 months, 9 days old}

I was upstairs getting Asher dressed and came back down just in time to see the big moment!  No video yet, but I'm still trying.  :-)  She was smiling SO big when she made it the whole way, but then realized she was stuck face down and got pretty mad.  ha!

Fluke?  We'll see!


  1. Hooray for Hadley!!!! My H rolled really early too. In fact, Brandon witnessed it and not me, so I didn't believe it until she finally did it again. She is so precious, by the way! It looks like you are really enjoying all the ruffles and frills that comes with having a girl.

  2. Yay for rolling, I guess... babies grow up way too fast, don't they?? Our youngest will be one in about a month and I'm kind of in mourning about how quickly the time is passing.

  3. YAY! Ava rolled early, too! Must be a girl thing ;)


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