Friday, February 22, 2013

{phone dump friday}

I missed last week, so get ready for a double batch of iPhone goodness!  Hadley has become very solemn around both my big camera and phone so it's been harder to catch her many smiles.  I did manage to get a couple.  :-)

Asher and Drew went to the circus last Saturday.  Two men left, one man & one clown returned.  Win.

On a random Wednesday Asher asked me for pancakes for breakfast.  Good call buddy.  YUM.

I started working with Asher on writing his letters.  At first he wasn't interested at all, but then I bought some markers and he was sold!  I'm keeping them up high and only bring them out for writing practice so the novelty sticks around as long as possible.  As you can see, A got a little excited by the "o" in Mommy, but I think he did great overall!

Hadley is on a nap strike.  This little bugger will sleep in my arms all afternoon, but if I put her in the crib it's 30 minute catnaps only.

She even devised a baby alarm system to prevent me putting her down after she falls asleep.  Clever girl.

Sweet Haddie is so pretty!

I love her!

Today is also very special to me because 1 year ago, this happened.  :-)

Happy weekend, friends.


  1. At first when I saw you post that pregnancy pic on IG I was like no way...hehe then I read the date. I'm glad you've been able to catch some pics of miss H smiling. Too cute

  2. Great idea on practicing letters with Asher... I need to get on that with Eli!

  3. Love what he did with the "o" - haha! We just bought one of those Melissa & Doug write-on placemats so she can practice at the table - they're reusable and awesome!

  4. Oops - logged into wrong account! That above comment was me :)


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